Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Short Story A Strange Girl - 1715 Words

The life story, Loud in the House of Myself: Memoir of a Strange Girl, captures Stacy Pershall’s struggle to live with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar disorder and multiple Eating Disorders. She is upfront and honest in her description about her battles with her ever-changing identity and negative self-image as well as the suicide attempts and manic-depressive episodes she lived through. After being misdiagnosed and improperly medicated for numerous year it is not until her middle aged years that Stacy finds serenity in a combination of behavioral therapy, body modification and an understanding therapist. Stacy as a child had a vivid imagination, a knack for the arts, and an active mind. She began to play the piano at an early age and was an impressive artist; she even won a frozen rabbit in first grade for creating the best poem. She loved to entertain her mother who she worried about and believed it was her job to make her mother happy. After her mother misca rried her sister, Natalie Jane, Stacy was excited to have a brother named Cameron to come into her life and help her entertain her mother. Her mother would never realize how strange Stacy was until she could compare her to Cameron. â€Å"Before he was born, she thought it was normal, in fact delightful, when I asked her to light a candle to set atop my toy piano and refused to speak to her unless she addressed me as Schroeder. ‘Say cheese, Schroeder,’ she’d laugh, and snap a square picture of me withShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Same Issue : American Lynching1385 Words   |  6 Pagesways in which three distinctively different literary genres address the same issue: American lynching. The three selected works that I will be discussing are one of the each genres such as a short story, exposà ©, and a poetry. These three works are the following â€Å"The Flowers† by Alice Walker (short story), â€Å"Strange Fruit† by Abel Meeropol (poem/song) â€Å"A Red Record† by Ida B. 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