Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizational Changes and Development

Question: Discussion on the potential enablers and requirements for successful completion of the project. Answer: Introduction The study is based on the case study of A. C. Gilbert, which is going to improve its efficiency level by implementing an innovative ideas program. As per the case study, the innovative ideas program of the company has developed by the production manager John Jones. During this study, the discussion and analysis are done to improve the current situation of the company and at the same time, the study has also provided some possible solutions that can help the production manager to complete the project successfully. After discussion and analysis, a conclusion is derived by considering the overall findings of the study. Discussion on the Potential Enablers and Requirements for Successful Completion of the Project As per the case study of A. C. Gilbert, the production manager of the company has implemented a new program for improving the efficiency level of the company. However, unfortunately, the results that have been derived after implementing the new innovative program are not impressive. Moreover, after eight weeks of the implementation, the productivity of the company decreased and the waste has increased. At the same time, the delays on line have also increased after the eight weeks of the implementation of new innovative program. However, the case study has also disclosed that after sixteen weeks of implementation of new innovative program, the situation of the company improved to some extent. The delays on line improved but the productivity and error rates have not improved. However, on the basis of overall performance of the company and as per the comments by the staffs of the company it can be understood that the implementation of the new innovative program was not that much successful. Moreover, by analyzing the comments of the staffs, it has been identified that the training session of the company was not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to arrange for a better training session for the employees or staffs. The training session can be the on the job training. This will help the company to train the employees without hampering the productivity (Sutheewasinnon, Hoque and Nyamori 2015). At the same time, the organization can recruit at least three experienced and knowledgeable supervisor and trainer, who can train the employees in a better way. During the training session, the supervisors or the trainer must be very friendly with the employees, so that the employees can clear out their doubts easily and freely (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). The company must reduce the working time of the employees because due to the increase in the working time, the employees are unable to manage their families. Moreover, due to the long working hours, the employees are becoming more tired, which is affecting the performance quality of the employees. This is one of the de-motivating factors for the employees (Akhtar and Mittal 2015). Therefore, it is very important for the company to reduce the working hours of the employees from 12 hours to 8 hours. The company must provide at least three months more to the employees so that they can properly cope up with the new business model of the company (Riggin 2015). During these three months, the management of the company must check and rectify the works of the employees in detail. This will help the company to improve the performance standards of the employees (Sutheewasinnon, Hoque and Nyamori 2015). The management of the company must arrange for a meeting with the employees and state about the importance of the targets. At the same time, the management of the company needs to clear out the consequences that the employees will face if they do not meet the targets (Buckingham and Goodall 2015). In the meeting, the management needs to clear out all the queries of the employees regarding their performance target. The performance target of the employees must be realistic and achievable. The target must be set as per the capacity of the employees. This will help the employees to achieve their target easily, which will ultimately motivate the people towards their work (Akhtar and Mittal 2015). The management can also introduce some reword system to motivate the employees in a better manner. If the management provides rewards for achieving the targets, then the employees will be more willing to achieve their targets. Recommendation to the Production Manager The performance efficiency at A. C. Gilbert can be improved with the help of the above-mentioned strategies. However, achieving the performance efficiency also requires some contribution from the production managers end. The performance manager that is John needs to take the following steps: John needs to conduct a meeting with the employees regarding their new working rosters. The production manager must inform the employees about the planning of the management regarding the new roster. During the meet, John must listen the point of view of each employee separately and then he needs to prepare the new roster by considering the employees view (Jenssen and McPherson 2015). John must tell the employees about the importance of sustainability and at the same time, John must also provide some suggestions to the employees regarding the ways that will help the employees in achieving the sustainability. John must run sudden investigation at the manufacturing unit in order to check the performances standards of the employees. Sudden visit of the production manager will make the employees more sincere about their works (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). Conclusion In this study, it has been identified that the performance level of the employees at A. C. Gilbert has declined after implementing the new innovative program. The employees of the organization have faced several difficulties after the implementation of new system. The extended working hours have negatively affected the performance standards of the employees and along with that the employees are also not clear about their targets. However, the study has identified some possible solutions for improving the current state of performance at A. C. Gilbert. At the same time, the study has also cleared out that in order to improve the performance standard, the production manager of the company must conduct meeting with the employees. Reference List Akhtar, M. and Mittal, R.K., 2015. 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Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G. and Halligan, J., 2015.Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.

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