Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Aristotle vs. Copernicus - 1501 Words

Aristotle vs. Copernicus Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist, who shared with Plato the distinction of being the most famous of ancient philosophers. Aristotle was born at Stagira, in Macedonia, the son of a physician to the royal court. At the age of 17, he went to Athens to study at Platos Academy. He remained there for about 20 years, as a student and then as a teacher. When Plato died in 347 bc , Aristotle moved to Assos, a city in Asia Minor, where a friend of his, Hermias (d. 345 bc ), was ruler. There he counseled Hermias and married his niece and adopted daughter, Pythias. After Hermias was captured and executed by the Persians, Aristotle went to Pella, the Macedonian capital, where he became the tutor of the kings†¦show more content†¦The Prime Mover, or God, described by Aristotle is not very suitable for religious purposes, as many later philosophers and theologians have observed. Aristotle limited his theology, however, to what he believed science requires and can establish. Many, many years after Aristotle died, a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus, formulated his own theories about best known for his astronomical theory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that the earth, spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around the sun. This is called the heliocentric, or sun-centered, system. In 1500 Copernicus lectured on astronomy in Rome. The following year he gained permission to study medicine at Padua, the university where Galileo taught nearly a century later. It was not unusual at the time to study a subject at one university and then to receive a degree from another-often less expensive-institution. And so Copernicus, without completing his medical studies, received a doctorate in canon law from Ferrara in 1503 and then returned to Poland to take up his administrative duties. After moving to Frauenburg in 1512, Copernicus took part in the Fifth Lateran Councils commission on calendar reform (1515); wrote a treatise on money (1517); and began his major work, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), which was finished by 1530 but firstShow MoreRelatedThe Scientific Revolution Essay1165 Words   |  5 Pagesby both Aristotle and Copernicus, one must consider the circumstances under which these men lived to understand the differences. The most obvious of these is the time in history. Aristotle came almost 2000 years earlier in the astronomy field. While Copernicus had set out to glorify the great religion of his time, Aristotles views came 200 years before Christ was even born! 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Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and built on it with influence from there environment. In the 1700’s the empiricists and the internalists took over the argument. They fought through lettersRead MoreThe Theory of Everything Book Report2605 Words   |  11 Pagestheory as that of the Vikings would be seen as absurd in today’s time, and it was for this absurdity that drove people such as Aristotle to uncover the truth. Aristotle (384 BCE – 322 BCE) was one of the first major scientists of the human race. Until Aristotle, people had thought that the earth was flat, and that if you ventured too far, you would fall off of it. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Short Story A Strange Girl - 1715 Words

The life story, Loud in the House of Myself: Memoir of a Strange Girl, captures Stacy Pershall’s struggle to live with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar disorder and multiple Eating Disorders. She is upfront and honest in her description about her battles with her ever-changing identity and negative self-image as well as the suicide attempts and manic-depressive episodes she lived through. After being misdiagnosed and improperly medicated for numerous year it is not until her middle aged years that Stacy finds serenity in a combination of behavioral therapy, body modification and an understanding therapist. Stacy as a child had a vivid imagination, a knack for the arts, and an active mind. She began to play the piano at an early age and was an impressive artist; she even won a frozen rabbit in first grade for creating the best poem. She loved to entertain her mother who she worried about and believed it was her job to make her mother happy. After her mother misca rried her sister, Natalie Jane, Stacy was excited to have a brother named Cameron to come into her life and help her entertain her mother. Her mother would never realize how strange Stacy was until she could compare her to Cameron. â€Å"Before he was born, she thought it was normal, in fact delightful, when I asked her to light a candle to set atop my toy piano and refused to speak to her unless she addressed me as Schroeder. ‘Say cheese, Schroeder,’ she’d laugh, and snap a square picture of me withShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Same Issue : American Lynching1385 Words   |  6 Pagesways in which three distinctively different literary genres address the same issue: American lynching. The three selected works that I will be discussing are one of the each genres such as a short story, exposà ©, and a poetry. These three works are the following â€Å"The Flowers† by Alice Walker (short story), â€Å"Strange Fruit† by Abel Meeropol (poem/song) â€Å"A Red Record† by Ida B. Wells (exposà ©). These are the three works that have been selected to discuss in this last final essay. I want to start of thisRead MoreSummary Of Sylvia Piviahs Initiation, By Sylvia Plath1248 Words   |  5 Pages 1. Summary of Sylvia Plath’s Initiation: At the start of the new school year, Millicent Arnold, a typical teenage girl, receives an invitation to join the elite and exclusive girls’ sorority at Lansing High School. Before she becomes an official member however, Millicent must demonstrate she is fit to join the sorority by finishing the initiation process: a series of ridiculous and rigorous tasks that pushes her to her limits. During a mission, Millicent discovers the nasty truth and reality ofRead MoreInterpretative Literary Critical Essay on Truman Capote’s â€Å"Miriam†: the Theme of Death in the Story825 Words   |  4 PagesMiriam is a short story written by Truman Capote, originally published in June 1945 in Mademoiselle magazine. First edition in solo book form was published in 1981 under the title Miriam: A Classic Story of Loneliness. It is a story about an old lady, Mrs. Miller. One day, she meets a girl who is also called Miriam and this girl starts to invade Mrs. Miller’s stereotypic life. Mrs. Miller does not like it but she finds out that there is nothing she can do about it. The end of the story is openRead MoreThe Elephant Vanishes by Murakami752 Words   |  3 Pages Many would argue that a story cannot exist while not made with human characters. The characters Murakami selects reveal his interest in humanity’s deepest secrets.. Most of his stories are told with a robust interior driven person teller, however every story boasts a singular, fascinating teller. The challenge of developing characters, each as person teller and therefore the characters with whom the author surrounds the teller, is one among the nice challenges of story-writing, his characters wouldRead MoreMagnificence: Writing and Vicente1141 Words   |  5 Pagesand H.R. Ocampo. They were recognized as the first group of Filipino writers who wrote almost exclusively in English. She was named the most prolific Filipina writer prior to World War II. Estrella Alfon’s first story was â€Å"Grey Confetti† which was published in 1935. One of her stories, Fairy Tale for the City, was condemned by the catholic League of the Philippines for its being obscene. When she was brought to court for the trial, some of her fellow writers stood by her but some did not and thatRead MoreMy Two Blankets By Irena Kobald And Freya Blackwood882 Words   |  4 Pagesto be immersed in and connect with Cartwheel’s story. Precise vocabulary Precise vocabulary is using the right word at the right time within a book. Using precise vocabulary should create an experience or an image for the reader, however these words do not need to be complex or fancy (Tunnell, 2008, p. 21). ‘My Two Blankets’ uses suitable vocabulary for the age group it is aimed at. â€Å"When I went out, it was like standing under a waterfall of strange sounds† is a good example of precise vocabularyRead MoreAdventure is Our there in the Short Story The Green Door by O. Henr925 Words   |  4 Pages Adventure is Out There In the short story, â€Å"The Green Door† by O. Henry, Rudolph Steiner is the main character. He has a job as a piano salesperson and has an interesting identity. He may look like an ordinary person, but on the inside, the author describes him as â€Å"a true adventurer; few were the evenings on which he didn’t go forth from his hall bedchamber in search of the unexpected†. (O.Henry) After dark, he investigates New York City, to find romance and adventure He always tries to findRead MoreMemoir Of A Strange Girl By Stacy Pershall1032 Words   |  5 PagesLoud in the House of Myself: Memoir of a Strange Girl, by Stacy Pershall, recounts the author’s life as she grows up while developing a multitude of mental illnesses. By the end of her memoir, Pershall has been diagnosed with anorexia, bulimia, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. This paper will focus on her diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by â€Å"out-of- control emotions that cannot be smoothed, a hypersensitivityRead MoreThe Real Question Is Who Are You? Essay925 Words   |  4 Pagesone of most the craziest, unexpected plot twist of a story I have ever read. Through this short story you are narrated through the background of the ups and downs of a young girl’s life and through the strange encounter with a peculiar man. Joyce Oates will make you question, and feel alongside her main character as you try to grasp onto this strange fictional mystery. In the beginning of this plot twisted story, you are introduced to a young girl of the age of 15, named Connie. They introduced thisRead MoreLove Is Strange By Ira Sachs And Mauricio Zacharias1518 Words   |  7 Pages(1) BUDGET First released on 18 January 2014 at Sundance Film Festival,, Love is Strange is directed by Ira Sachs and written by Ira Sachs and Mauricio Zacharias, depicting a love story between two old men, who live in New York City. The film is produced by seven companies, which is Parts and labor, in association with Palior House Production, Film50 and Mutressa Movies as well as RT Features, and Charlie Guidance, Mn...Buttered Panini Productions. The film’s distributors account for 15 companies

Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizational Changes and Development

Question: Discussion on the potential enablers and requirements for successful completion of the project. Answer: Introduction The study is based on the case study of A. C. Gilbert, which is going to improve its efficiency level by implementing an innovative ideas program. As per the case study, the innovative ideas program of the company has developed by the production manager John Jones. During this study, the discussion and analysis are done to improve the current situation of the company and at the same time, the study has also provided some possible solutions that can help the production manager to complete the project successfully. After discussion and analysis, a conclusion is derived by considering the overall findings of the study. Discussion on the Potential Enablers and Requirements for Successful Completion of the Project As per the case study of A. C. Gilbert, the production manager of the company has implemented a new program for improving the efficiency level of the company. However, unfortunately, the results that have been derived after implementing the new innovative program are not impressive. Moreover, after eight weeks of the implementation, the productivity of the company decreased and the waste has increased. At the same time, the delays on line have also increased after the eight weeks of the implementation of new innovative program. However, the case study has also disclosed that after sixteen weeks of implementation of new innovative program, the situation of the company improved to some extent. The delays on line improved but the productivity and error rates have not improved. However, on the basis of overall performance of the company and as per the comments by the staffs of the company it can be understood that the implementation of the new innovative program was not that much successful. Moreover, by analyzing the comments of the staffs, it has been identified that the training session of the company was not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to arrange for a better training session for the employees or staffs. The training session can be the on the job training. This will help the company to train the employees without hampering the productivity (Sutheewasinnon, Hoque and Nyamori 2015). At the same time, the organization can recruit at least three experienced and knowledgeable supervisor and trainer, who can train the employees in a better way. During the training session, the supervisors or the trainer must be very friendly with the employees, so that the employees can clear out their doubts easily and freely (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). The company must reduce the working time of the employees because due to the increase in the working time, the employees are unable to manage their families. Moreover, due to the long working hours, the employees are becoming more tired, which is affecting the performance quality of the employees. This is one of the de-motivating factors for the employees (Akhtar and Mittal 2015). Therefore, it is very important for the company to reduce the working hours of the employees from 12 hours to 8 hours. The company must provide at least three months more to the employees so that they can properly cope up with the new business model of the company (Riggin 2015). During these three months, the management of the company must check and rectify the works of the employees in detail. This will help the company to improve the performance standards of the employees (Sutheewasinnon, Hoque and Nyamori 2015). The management of the company must arrange for a meeting with the employees and state about the importance of the targets. At the same time, the management of the company needs to clear out the consequences that the employees will face if they do not meet the targets (Buckingham and Goodall 2015). In the meeting, the management needs to clear out all the queries of the employees regarding their performance target. The performance target of the employees must be realistic and achievable. The target must be set as per the capacity of the employees. This will help the employees to achieve their target easily, which will ultimately motivate the people towards their work (Akhtar and Mittal 2015). The management can also introduce some reword system to motivate the employees in a better manner. If the management provides rewards for achieving the targets, then the employees will be more willing to achieve their targets. Recommendation to the Production Manager The performance efficiency at A. C. Gilbert can be improved with the help of the above-mentioned strategies. However, achieving the performance efficiency also requires some contribution from the production managers end. The performance manager that is John needs to take the following steps: John needs to conduct a meeting with the employees regarding their new working rosters. The production manager must inform the employees about the planning of the management regarding the new roster. During the meet, John must listen the point of view of each employee separately and then he needs to prepare the new roster by considering the employees view (Jenssen and McPherson 2015). John must tell the employees about the importance of sustainability and at the same time, John must also provide some suggestions to the employees regarding the ways that will help the employees in achieving the sustainability. John must run sudden investigation at the manufacturing unit in order to check the performances standards of the employees. Sudden visit of the production manager will make the employees more sincere about their works (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). Conclusion In this study, it has been identified that the performance level of the employees at A. C. Gilbert has declined after implementing the new innovative program. The employees of the organization have faced several difficulties after the implementation of new system. The extended working hours have negatively affected the performance standards of the employees and along with that the employees are also not clear about their targets. However, the study has identified some possible solutions for improving the current state of performance at A. C. Gilbert. At the same time, the study has also cleared out that in order to improve the performance standard, the production manager of the company must conduct meeting with the employees. Reference List Akhtar, M. and Mittal, R.K., 2015. Implementation issues and their impact on strategic performance management system effectivenessan empirical study of Indian oil industry.Measuring Business Excellence,19(2), pp.71-82. Buckingham, M. and Goodall, A., 2015. Reinventing performance management.Harvard Business Review,93(4), pp.40-50. Jenssen, H.P. and McPherson, C., 2015, August. Applying the Concept of Systematic Reliability Management and Analysis to Achieve Better Well Equipment Performance Through Less Failures and Reduced Downtime Due to Work-Overs. InUnconventional Resources Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Riggin, E.A., 2015. Enterprise Performance Management system.Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Sutheewasinnon, P., Hoque, Z. and Nyamori, R.O., 2015. Development of a performance management system in the Thailand public sector: Isomorphism and the role and strategies of institutional entrepreneurs.Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G. and Halligan, J., 2015.Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rounding Up With The Writers For Hire - The Writers For Hire

ROUNDING UP WITH THE WRITERS FOR HIRE Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at The Writers For Hire? The details of our weekly meetings are usually top secret, reserved only for those with the highest level of security clearance. Sometimes, though, things are just too good not to share. So, here it is†¦ some of the amazingly interesting things that we have discussed (and learned from each other) during recent meetings. What is the Longest Word in the English Language? Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Do you know what that means? Neither did we! Thanks to an interesting article we found, not only did we learn the meaning; we also learned that Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English dictionary. We also discovered that there are â€Å"ghost words† in the dictionary, that literally have no meaning. If you want to read more about it, and learn some other fun facts, check out this blog from Grammarly. And as you can probably imagine, we are big language nerds, so we also found this article from Lingoda to be quite fascinating! Internet or internet? As writers, it is our job to know the rules pertaining to the written English language. It’s not always an easy task, though, when the rules keep changing. For example, according to this NY Times article, internet used to be Internet, but is now internet. Confusing, huh? Chaucer Says you CAN Say Ax Did you know that people have been saying â€Å"Ax† instead of â€Å"Ask† for 1,200 years (and that, contrary to what many believe, â€Å"Ax† is not incorrect)?!?Tweet this In fact, according to this Smithsonian article as well as this article from WNYC, even Chaucer used to say â€Å"Ax.† And really, who can argue with the Father of English Literature? The History Behind the Ampersand Have you ever sat and pondered where the Ampersand symbol came from? You know the one†¦ it’s that fancy â€Å"† symbol on your keyboard. Thanks to this article from , we have found the answer to that question. Now we will finally be able to sleep at night! What is the right way to write? Whether it is spelling, pronunciation, or punctuation that is in question, it is always helpful to have guides to remind us of the â€Å"correct† way to write things. For example, knowing when to use Em dash vs En dash may not be something you inherently know. And keeping track of when titles should be underlined or italicized can cause even the most experienced writers to go crazy. Prompts for Preventing Writer's Block As writers, there are times when we just need a bit of a kick-start to get our words properly flowing onto paper. We found this article with 500 prompts for narrative and personal writing will help get those creative juices flowing. When the Misuse of Language Causes Legal Trouble Believe it or not, incorrect usage of language can cause major problems (as illustrated in the picture above). As a matter of fact, we found two examples of times when misuse of language could even be the cause of law suits. A company in Maine is learning the importance of the Oxford Comma, in a class-action lawsuit about overtime pay. And this blog from Barnes Thornburg’s Labor Employment Law Department discusses just how the use of emojis in the workplace can cause major legal issues. Who would’ve thought those cute little pictures could cause so much trouble?!? Just for the Love of Language As you can see, we at TWFH spend a great deal of time making sure that we are keeping up with the important changes involved in writing and language. We do try to keep things a bit lighthearted when we can, though. So, in the spirit of lightheartedness, we leave you with these 10 Perfectly Cromulent Words, for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Points About Parallel Structure

5 Points About Parallel Structure 5 Points About Parallel Structure 5 Points About Parallel Structure By Mark Nichol The following five sentences present various problems with sentence organization. Each is followed by a discussion of the sentence and a revision that addresses the problem. 1. The policy is effective, proportionate, and meets the standards. Effective has the verb is, and standards is supported by meets, but proportionate has no dance partner. It needs the twin of is, or must share the original instance of the verb, as shown here: â€Å"The policy is effective and proportionate and meets the standards.† 2. It was a stated requirement not to further increase but, rather, to reallocate capital. This sentence is not wrong, but it suffers from a delayed keyword. It’s not clear until after the sentence is read that the intention is to counterpoint the idea of increasing capital with the idea of reallocating capital; capital is too far removed from the first word it is intended to be associated with. When capital is located immediately after that first word, the sentence is clearer, and a pronoun can replace the keyword at the end of the sentence: â€Å"It was a stated requirement not to further increase capital but, rather, to reallocate it.† 3. We appreciate your time and contributions to our study. If â€Å"and contributions† is omitted from this sentence, what remains is the ungrammatical â€Å"We appreciate your time to our study.† To clarify that time and contributions are not intended to be strictly parallel, the pronoun your should be repeated in order to produce two distinct clauses, where a repetition of â€Å"we appreciate† is implied after and: â€Å"We appreciate your time and your contributions to our study.† 4. They might be confronted with situations that they may not have experienced before and might test them to their limits. In the simple sentence â€Å"They might be confronted with situations that they may not have experienced before,† that is optional. However, in a more complex statement, it is necessary not once, but twice, to signal that â€Å"they may not have experienced before† and â€Å"might test them to their limits† are parallel phrases: â€Å"They might be confronted with situations that they may not have experienced before and that might test them to their limits.† 5. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a joint statement on the new rules. The phrase â€Å"Board of Governors† applies only to the Federal Reserve System, so the first item in this list needs to be set off from the rest (rather, the list needs to be set off from this item) so that no implication that each of the other entities has a board of governors exists: â€Å"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as well as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, issued a joint statement on the new rules.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?â€Å"As Well As† Does Not Mean â€Å"And†75 Synonyms for â€Å"Hard†

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Win a McDonalds Scholarship

How to Win a McDonald's Scholarship SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips McDonald's charities offer many different scholarships for college-bound seniors all over the country, all with different awards and eligibility requirements. Because there's so much variability among awards, applying for a McDonald's scholarship can seem daunting. Ultimately, though, it's worth it to apply - since 1985, Ronald McDonald House Charities have given out over $65 million in scholarships. Wouldn't it be great to get a small piece of that? I'll walk you through the different types of scholarship awards that McDonald's offers, in addition to offering tips and strategies to optimize your chances of winning your own award. What Are the McDonald's Scholarships? Scholarships are awarded through chapters of Ronald McDonald's House Charities, or RMHCs. There are currently 322 RMHCs in 57 different counties and regions. A variety different scholarships are available, all with different eligibility requirements. Four particular scholarships are offered through many RMHC chapters - I'll be focusing on these awards for the rest of this article. The following scholarships are need-based awards that are given to honor students' scholastic, community, and work performance. You can only apply to one of the four scholarships listed, so focus on the scholarship that you are most eligible for. For example, if you are a minority scholarship applicant, apply to the appropriate ethnicity-based award if possible. Not all RMHCs will offer all four of the following scholarships.There may be local awards offered or sponsored through your RMHC, however- you can find out more by checking with a local McDonald’s restaurant. RHMC Scholars This scholarship is open to all students. The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RHMC/HACER (Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage. Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. There are four National RHMC/HACER scholarships available- your local RMHC doesn't need to participate for you to apply for this award. The scholarship is for undergraduate students only; recipients receive $100,000 paid out over 4 years. RMHC/African American Future Achievers This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RMHC/ASIA (Asian Students Increasing Achievement) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Asian-Pacific heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. Check with your local chapter to see if they offer any other scholarships you may be eligible for. How Do You Know If You're Eligible? In addition to the ethnic eligibility requirements for a few of the above scholarships, there are some blanket eligibility requirements that apply to RMHC awards.In order to qualify, you must: Be a high school senior Be under 21 Have a minimum 2.7 GPA Be eligible to attend a 2-year or 4-year college, university, or technical school with a full course of study Be a legal US resident Live in a participating RMHC's geographic area (with the exception of the National RMHC/HACER scholarships) Submit a complete application and all required documentation by the appropriate deadline. Provide verification of enrollment at an eligible school Demonstrate financial need If you meet all the above requirements, you're on the right track to submitting a successful McDonald's scholarship application. What Information Do You Need to Apply? Keep in mind that deadlines and other application requirements may vary based on your local RMHC. However, you'll most likely be asked to provide the following materials for your scholarship application: High school transcript SAT/ACT scores Resume Personal statement addressing your background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances or characteristics. Your statement should likely be fewer than 1000 words. Letters of recommendation - these should come from teachers or mentors who can speak to your abilities and commitment to education. How Do You Submit an Application? The application window for the 2018-2019 academic year has already closed, but you could get a head start on the 2019-2020 applications if you're a current high school senior.The new application should open in October of 2019; the deadline will likely be in late January of 2020. This page should update with more information about submitting an application once the new scholarship opens in October. Until then, you can get more information by contacting your local RMHC. How Much Can You Win? Like I mentioned earlier in the post, award amounts will generally vary based on (1) scholarship availability in your area, and (2) your local RMHC scholarship budgets. Most participating RMHC chapters award minimum awards of $1,000, and some can award $20,000 or more. Try searching for "[local city] Ronald McDonald's House Charity scholarships" to get information about what award opportunities are available in your area. Want to build the best possible college application and financial aid package? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. When Do You Find Out Whether You've Been Selected? You'll likely receive news of your award between April and June. Scholarship winners will be notified in writing or via email by their local RMHC chapter. How Can You Use McDonald's Scholarship Money? First, you'll only be awarded your scholarship money if you're enrolled as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited school. You have to stay in school continuously during the academic year, unless an interruption is approved by your scholarship sponsor. Checks will be made out directly to your school, although this may vary by RMHC chapter. Funds can be applied to tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Money applied to room board charges may be taxed. Avoid tax charges if you can help it! See if you can apply scholarship funds to tuition and fees before using them to pay for room board. Strategies: How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a McDonald's Scholarship The following tips will help you submit your strongest application for any McDonald's scholarship you choose to apply to. The more time you give yourself to implement these strategies, the more successful you'll be! Research Your Local Ronald McDonald House Charity One of the first things you should do is check on what scholarship opportunities are actually available to you through your local RMHC. Your local RMHC may participate in the scholarships described earlier; if they do, you should be able to get more information about availability, deadlines, scholarship award amounts, and applications by contacting that RMHC. Try Googlingâ€Å"[your local area/city] Ronald McDonald House Charity scholarship† for more information. You can also check on availability for the above scholarships by following the appropriate link on this page. If your local RMHC does not offer the scholarships listed above, they may offer other awards, much like the RMHC of Eastern New England that I mentioned earlier. Because all these local scholarships will have different deadlines, requirements, award amounts, etc., it’s best to research these scholarships as early as possible. Again, the best way to do this is research and/or get in contact with your local RMHC. Choose the People Writing Your Letter(s) of Recommendation Wisely Your letter writer should ideally be a teacher, coach, or mentor that you have a long-standing, positive, personal relationship with. If your letter writer doesn’t provide a strong and well-written letter vouching for your abilities and commitment to education, chances are your application won’t be given much thought. To confirm that you’re selecting the right person as your letter writer, ask them if they feel comfortable writing you a very strong or glowing recommendation. If they’re not comfortable, they should have the opportunity to decline so that you can choose someone who’s better able to vouch for you. Try to give your letter writers 10-12 weeks of advance notice before your application is due. Take Your Personal Statement Seriously You’ll have up to 1,000 words to discuss your education and career goals, as well as individual qualities and strengths. Be concise and clear, and maintain a positive tone. To brainstorm for your personal statement, think about how you would respond to the following questions: What are your academic interests? How did you develop these interests? How does your educational plan align with your academic interests and strengths? How will your educational plan help you to fulfill your long-term career goals? Do you plan on becoming a leader in your field or career? How? How will this McDonald’s scholarship money enable you to pursue your education, and by extension, your long-term goals? If there are any special circumstances or hardships you’ve experienced in your life, make sure to mention them briefly in your personal statement. If they’ve affected your past grades or performance in any way, explain how (don’t make excuses, but be matter-of-fact about how events have affected you). Have a trusted teacher, mentor, advisor, and/or friend edit and proofread your work. Check for spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors before submitting your essay. If You're a Younger High School Student ... Focus on your academic performance. The minimum GPA for scholarship eligibility is 2.7, but you’ll be able to present yourself as a more competitive applicant if you have a higher GPA. If you’re a freshman, sophomore, or junior, you can increase your chances of receiving this scholarship (and other scholarships) by doing extra credit, seeing teachers for extra help, etc. For the NationalRMHC/HACER scholarship in particular, academic performance seems to be a very important evaluation criterion. Two winners for the 2015-2016 academic year are attending Harvard, one is attending Stanford, and one is attending UPenn. Seek out community service activities. Many scholarships award funds to students who demonstrate an investment in their communities. (e.g. the scholarships for minority students described above). You can demonstrate this commitment by participating in volunteer activities, particularly through your school or church. Some example activities include tutoring underprivileged students, joining a cultural club, or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Think about what aspects of your community are most important to you when considering service activities. Demonstrate how involved you've been in community service by updating your resume to include all relevant activities. If community service has shaped your interests or goals, discuss this influence in your personal statement. What's Next? McDonald's scholarships aren't the only scholarships out there for ambitious high school students. Read more about the Walmart Scholarship and National Merit Scholarship. Looking for other ways to pay your college education? You'll want to check out our guide to the Pell Grant. Did you know that sometimes getting a scholarship is as easy as applying to your school of choice? Check out this list of schools that automatically offer scholarships based on grades and test scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Learning how to learn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Learning how to learn - Essay Example When tasked with an assignment, the best way to tackle it is to identify a second party and share with them ideas regarding a particular task (Tucker and Singleton, 72). This approach to earning develops a strong mind and based on the creativity; I will be in a capacity to write a brief outline of how I will answer any forthcoming questions. From the response of my partner, I will be able to identify the proper structure of my ideas and organize them into a flowing document. As an auditory learner, this opportunity should be taken to discuss the subject matter or the documents that I am reading with other individuals (Walling, 103). Such an interactive process opens up arguments that lead to in depth analysis of the matter. At times, as a learner it is important to read certain educational material. The best way to internalize such material is to read out aloud the various topics on which I am focusing (Simon, 29). By reading aloud, it is easier to identify confusing sentences, common grammar mistakes and any other editing mistakes that may have been difficult to notice. During class sessions, lectures can be recorder for more in-depth understanding later on when at home. Instead of buying hard copy books, it would be better to get audio books and to note down the important ideas covered in a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kill 'Em Crush 'Em Eat 'Em Raw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kill 'Em Crush 'Em Eat 'Em Raw - Essay Example McMurtry (1) only talks about the injuries and deaths that result from war and football. Another similarity, in this case, is that enmity is created between the rival groups, something that takes long to heal. Finally, both war and football are characterized by leaders, who cause commotion or incite others. War and chaos in football result from incitements from ring-leaders. McMurtry (2) says that their coach used normally admonished them to un-join their opponent through language elaboration of war so that they can attack their opponents. Those who rally support for war are similar to cheerleaders of a football team. Since the two always expect a win and never a defeat, they rally their followers to ensure that they win (McMurtry 2). Fans, just like war supporters, engage in stampedes to ensure that their rivals are also punished, though physically. Those who rally support for war, just like cheerleaders, start the problem by signaling their followers to believe how bad their rivals are; reason for their need to be punished severely. These two issues occur in the society and through respect and cohesive living; it is possible to prevent them. Half time ceremonies are comparable to a lull between battles in that, they give the key players time to organize themselves well. Further more, they give them time to strategies on the best ways of ensuring maximum defeat against their opponents. On the other hand, they are used to remind those involved how crucial it is to defeat the other side. Half time ceremonies give football players time to recover lost energy, just like lulls between battles. After these two, the participants come back in full force and energized to ensure they take the lead. Therefore, after studying the tactics of the rival, they use this time to apply the best mechanism for a win against the rivals. Other parallels between war and football

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Barclays’ Internal and External Customers :: Business Management Studies

Barclays’ Internal and External Customers Barclays offers a wide range of services to both internal and external customers. Internal customers are member of staff/colleagues that work in an organisation. Examples of internal customers in Barclays include: Small Business Managers, Customer Relations Team, telephone operators, Financial Planning Managers, Customer Service staff, Counter staff, Accountants, Consumer Relations Team, and Relationship Managers. External customers are the majority of individuals who lives in the local areas. Examples of external customers of Barclays include: disabled people, elderly, foreign people, parents, couples, widows, divorcees and students (from schools, colleges, and universities). Internal customers Barclays has number of internal customers who works for them, and also does banking with them. About 5% of accounts belong to Barclays’ staff. It is very important for Barclays to have internal customers because, without them, the financial organisation will have difficulties to meet the needs of external customers. For example, if you image the organisation as an iceberg, only 1/10th is above the water (the external customer), but 9/10th is hidden below the water (internal customers) which, is supporting external customers. This good example of importance of internal customers was extracted from the following website: So, if you remove the bottom half of the iceberg (internal customers), top half of the iceberg (the external customer) will sink- in the other words, the whole organisation will come to an end. It is important for Barclays to treat their internal customers in the same way, as they treat their external customers. The advantages of having internal customers to employees: * Better working conditions * Better job satisfaction * Less stress * Having the ‘feel good’ factor * Being part of a good working team The advantages of having internal customers to the organisation: * Less waste and stoppages * Improved communications * A happier workforce * Fewer problems * Increased customer loyalty * Better service to external customers The advantages of having internal customers to the external customers: * A higher, sustained level of service * Faster responses times * Knows that the organisation cares As a result, internal customer care is based on good manners, knowing where your job fits in, working efficiently with colleagues, working as a member of a team, and respecting colleagues’ needs and rights. Organisations, such as Barclays believe that, there are three kinds of attitudes and behaviours towards colleagues that would be essential for quality internal customer care: 1. Caring for colleagues- this would include: making individuals feel good- this will help them to work better, they would become more cooperative, responding reasonably to their needs, and accepting a sense of shared responsibility 2. Cooperating with colleagues- this would include: can get things

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

According to Marx, How Does Capitalism Alienate Workers?

SS 2029 Basic Sociology 2011-2012 (Semester A) Individual Term Paper CHEUNG Kai-HO (52596777) 7. According to Marx, how does capitalism alienate workers? How did Marx feel that workers could overcome their alienation? 1. Abstract Alienation, a term used to describe the feeling of no connection with others or the separation from former attachment. When it comes to sociologist aspect, especially on Marxism, this term describes the stage of losing one’s identity. To Karl Marx’s belief, Alienation means the loss of control over the process and product of work (Bell, 1959).Thus, under the capitalism, workers are alienated by the production system. 2. Content A First and foremost, from Marx’s point of view, alienation is the eventual outcome of capitalism. Capitalism itself is based on a mode of production, as stated by Marx. The capitalists own the capital, materials, properties for the production, as well as the products. The capitalists will then put the products in exchange with money and hence, gain profit. As capitalists can decide the salaries of workers, they will plausibly pay as little as they can, so as to gain the largest profit.Without the power of decision, workers have no choice but to earn their livings by selling their labor force. These create what indicated by Marx as the capitalist mode of production. Marx also explained that capitalists are the bourgeoisie class while workers are the proletariat class. Production process and output are controlled by bourgeoisie. Workers have little say on their own will. As mentioned by Michael Curtis, man is enslaved by the system of goods and commodities that he produces.Therefore, capitalism can gain the domination over the production as well as the workers and trigger alienation. In Marx’s vision, there are four aspects in his theory of alienation. According to his writing, Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, alienation means that workers are alienated from the process of p roduction, the products they produced, species being and other workers. a) In the first aspect, alienation of workers and process of production, workers are alienated from the work itself.As mentioned above, workers have to work under the capitalist mode of production, which means that they have little or even no say on how they should carry out the process of work. Unlike other professions, workers cannot decide working hours, salaries, working procedures they are involved. Take Jorn Bramann’s example as an illustration, artists relatively have greater freedom on how they want to work. Not only do they have the choice of working hour, but also the working direction. Therefore, workers are alienated for the work they are involved.They cannot make the decision on the way they work. Besides, workers are alienated under the process of production as capitalism follow the using of division of labor. Take a car factory as an example, the products, which obviously cars, consists of a great number of components. For example, engines, wheels, doors, head lights, rear view mirrors. The process of producing a car is apparently complicate; however, after the using of division of labor, the work process is then become easier. Each worker should be responsible for one repeated part only.Thus, Marx noticed the problem in this kind of production. He mentioned that alienated workers have to carry out repeated, less interesting, machine-like rigid procedure. They have to work in same position on the lines of production. Marx saw this phenomenon as domination. Workers are also forced to use machinery so as to perform production easily but Marx again noticed a problem in it. He believed that workers are no longer the user of machines while machines are designed to be extensions of workers. Hence, workers are eventually losing themselves from the repeated working method.Alienation is then sparked off by capitalism’s way of production. b) In the second aspect, alienat ion of workers and their products, workers cannot decide what they produce. In the past, such as medieval age, blacksmiths, bakery owners, clothes makers and many other producers could decide what they produce, how they produce, as well as the nature of the products. The most important part is that, the final outputs of production belonged to the producers, whether sell them or not was totally depended on them.But in Marx’s time, factory owners, which mean capitalists, paid money to workers in return of labor force to carry out productions. Let aside the boring rigid production actions, the products belonged to the factory owners, not the workers. Workers had no control over the products and what products should they produce. So, Marx stated that this was one of the four aspects of alienation. Furthermore, this alienation also creates a negative effect on workers. In Marx’s writing Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, he said:All these consequences are implied i n the statement that the worker is related to the product of labor as to an alien object. For on this premise it is clear that the more the worker spends himself, the more powerful becomes the alien world of objects which he creates over and against himself, the poorer he himself – his inner world – becomes, the less belongs to him as his own. (Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844) We can see that Marx believed that workers’ labor force become an external object that is alien to them. This external object will be a hostile force:The alienation of the worker in his product means not only that his labor becomes an object, an external existence, but that it exists outside him, independently, as something alien to him, and that it becomes a power on its own confronting him. It means that the life which he has conferred on the object confronts him as something hostile and alien. (Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844) Thus, capitalism will spark off aliena tion towards workers. The very products they produced will be â€Å"taken† away from capitalists and, as a result, become a hostile force to them. ) In third aspect, alienation of workers and their species being, workers are being separated from the nature spirit known as human nature. What makes human so unique is that, we have our own special nature. Human have personal wills and consciousness. We can create things by following our own belief, will, preference. Human are also fond of beautiful things. Marx discussed about this topic in his Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. He believed that human can produce not only for physical needs, but also for their desires. Besides, human produce universally and can form products according to the law of beauty.When workers need to follow the capitalist mode of production, the above species being will be deprived. With the fixed working position and repeated procedures, workers no longer produce according to their own wills o r preferences. Marx said: Man’s species-being, both nature and his spiritual species-property, into a being alien to him, into a means of his individual existence. It estranges from man his own body, as well as external nature and his spiritual aspect, his human aspect. (Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844) This saying represents what Marx thought about those alienated workers.Capitalism put workers under the same routine of productions. Workers are merely a tool of capitalists to make profit. All the human nature, creativity, workers’ decision and preferences are neglected. Workers have to work as ordered by their employers. This is what alienation on workers and species being means. d) In forth aspect, alienation of workers and other workers, relationship between them will also be alienated. What Marx believed was that, workers are alienated by capitalists and eventually become the â€Å"goods† on the trading market.As capitalists own factories, they ca n make decision about who they want to hire. Thus, workers are first â€Å"selected† to work in the factories. Then, throughout the working period, workers are usually monitored by supervisors. Once a worker is found to violate the factory as well as the capitalists’ interest, he or she is no longer hired. As a result, workers have to work in a commercial, capitalist atmosphere. The relationship between workers is worsened. Another important effect is that, relationship between workers will deteriorate or even become hostile under the capitalist working environment.As the capitalist can lay off any one as they desire, workers will become a competitors of each other. Some may take hostile attitude towards each other as they want to stay in the factory to earn a living. This alienation is against Marx’s hope as people with same interest, same class will be against each other. So, Marx pointed out that alienation not only cause effect on workers themselves, but als o the relationship with others. 3. Content B With a view to the alienation, Marx believed that it can only be eliminated by changing the whole system.Marx pointed out the cause of alienation lies on the property system. The relationship between workers and employers are obviously money related. In this property system, workers do not own the factory, input materials, machines or other prerequisite. Properties are privately owned. Therefore, Marx called these workers as proletariat class. To tackle this problem, Marx had one method, the only method: To completely abolish the private ownership and property system. With the destruction of this money or property system, communism should be set up. Marx once said that: (2) Communism (? still political in nature – democratic or despotic; (? ) with the abolition of the state, yet still incomplete, and being still affected by private property, i. e. , by the estrangement of man. In both forms communism already is aware of being reint egration or return of man to himself, the transcendence of human self-estrangement. Marx clearly stated that communism will bring workers back to human essence. A new society will be created. Workers no longer need to complete with each other. Species being, products will not be alienated. To achieve this change, revolution is a choice for Marxists.As the authority will not easily change the original way of ruling, capitalist will still exist. Michael Curtis, the writer of Marxism: The Inner Dialogues, said that â€Å"Communism will overcome alienation through the creation of a community which ends the cleavage between production and consumption, intellectual and manual labor. † Hence, the only solution to demolish alienation is communism, while communism itself can be achieve by revolution. 4. Conclusion All in all, alienation is a eventual outcome of capitalism. With the private ownership and money system, the relationship between workers and employers evolve to commercial relation.With the usage of division of labor as well as the assembly line, workers are forced to repeat the same procedure of production. They will thus be alienated with the work itself and their species being. Besides, workers’ relationship with other will deteriorate. Notwithstanding the effects of alienation, Marx believed that it can be eliminated by demolishing the property system. Revolution is the answer to this. Reference: * Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx, K. (Between April and August1844), fromhttp://www. marxists. rg/archive/marx/works/1844/manuscripts/preface. htm * Curtis, M. (1997). Marxism: The Inner Dialogues (pp. 129-142) * Ollman, B. (1976). Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society (2nd ed. ) (Chapter 22) * Marx on Alienation by University of Regina- Department of Sociology and Social Studies (2002, September 30), fromhttp://uregina. ca/~gingrich/s3002. htm * Marx: Capitalism and Alienation by Jorn Bramann, fromhttp://fa culty. frostburg. edu/phil/forum/Marx. htm * Themes, Arguments, and Ideas by Sparknotes, fromhttp://www. sparknotes. com/philosophy/marx/themes. html

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Management and Negotiating Conflict Style Essay

1. Hastings had a reputation of being hard headed, and not being able to take criticism. He used the autocratic style to push for his ways of doing things. They said he would sometimes embarrass employees, and roll his eyes at them. And when they had an idea he might call their ideas â€Å"dumb ideas†. He was so bad at this he actually established the nickname â€Å"Animal†. Hastings was young when he developed Pure Software, after establishing it he realized he didn’t like the man he had become or the business he had created. He sold Pure for $750 million and changed his ways when he moved on to his new company Netflix. At Netflix Hastings was a new man; he changed his use of communications in sending and receiving messages in many ways. At Netflix, Hastings was much more kind and open to new ideas. He changed his way of talking to employees and you can tell by the rise in stock and Hastings being named Businessperson of the year in 2010. 2. He changed his use of feedback by listening to his employees and thier ideas, and when he didn’t understand he would say, â€Å" help me understand your idea, tell me why this will work.† Instead of just rolling his eyes and acting high and mighty like he did and his previous company Pure. 3. Hastings coaching style at Pure was poor; he wanted to change that when he created Netflix. He defiantly improved his coaching guidelines in the following ways; He started giving praise and recognition, not criticizing, and giving specific and descriptive feedback. 4. I feel Hastings used two different styles one at Pure and one at Netflix. I feel the style he used at Pure was more of a Forcing Conflict style. When I read the case I got the impression that Hastings didn’t care what his Pure employees thought about him it was more of a I win you Lose attitude which is what the Forcing Conflict Style is all about. With Netflix on the other hand I feel like he went for more of the Negotiating Conflict Style the more I win some, you win some. He cared more about his employees and how they felt. That is just my opinion but I guess if I had to pick just one style he used in both of them I would pick the Forcing Conflict Style because Hastings still ran a tight ship and at the end of the day he was always going to end up a winner. 5. The Conflict  management style used by Netflix was Collaborating Conflict Style. It is the best solution agreeable to all parties. Joining forces with Epix was a good deal for both of them. That’s why I feel the Collaborating Approach was the style used. 6. I am currently a Netflix user; I have been for many years. They are getting better and better every year. I really have no complaints, they have every show that I like to watch, and it is always very quick for me. I think the price is fair, and they let you watch it on every device you own. I as a customer have absolutely no complaints. 7. I think the Group Level of Analysis was used. This level focuses on the relationship between the leaders and the collective group of followers. They focus on how a leader contributes to group effectiveness. Hastings used the Management paradigm by being concerned with stability, and finding out the best way to get the job done. He was able to lead through others, and create favorable conditions for success. He was a very successful leader too; there is no good manager that is not a good leader as well.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Garden Party Essay Example

Garden Party Essay Example Garden Party Essay Garden Party Essay Every year her mother was in charged of the party. But this year her mother told Laura she would be in charge. Laura was scared but approached the task with confidence. She wanted to make her mother proud. Her first task was to find the perfect place for the marquee. The worker men arrived. She wanted to be confident and appear to know the exact spot. After several attempts the one worker man helped choose the spot. His workers started to dig the hole. The man was very nice to Laura. He knelt down to pick a sprig of lavender to meal. This was not expected as she was told that all the working men were from a lower class of man. That they were not smart and never had a heart for them. She found this not to be true. She wished the boys at the dance were nice like this man. Laura was taught that the most important thing about the garden party was the way the flowers bloomed, the bushes were trimmed and to show off the trees. Many things that Laura was taught she is now finding were not true. : The placement of the argue in front of the karakas tree turned out to be the perfect spot for people to view it not the trees. The florist arrived with the Can Lilies. Laura thought it was a mistake since there was so many. But once again she is reminded that her mother wants things to be the biggest and the best. Then Laura goes to her mother to explain why she needs to cancel the party because a man has been killed. Her mother tries to explain to Laura that the death of a man from the down the hill should not make a difference to those attending their Arden party. They come from two different social classes. Laura is shocked and confused, She is not sure that mothers opinion is the best one. But, to obey her mother she chooses to follow along with the party as schedule. When the party was over her father told them about the death of the man down the hill. They decided to have Laura take the left over sandwiches to the family. Laura was nervous walking clown tenure. Seen near people talking Ana crying. Seen wanted to leave and go back home but did not. She went inside and saw the woman and her sister. She went into the room where the man laid dead on a bed. She saw the contentment in the dead mans face. All the garden parties, band music and lace frocks mean nothing. What a huge lesson she learned of what really matters in life. She saw that the things she was taught about people were not true like the worker men and the people living down the hill. She was very positive about life, people and nature. She loved the simple things and the natural beauty in things. Money was not a factor to enjoy life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Protest Legally

How to Protest Legally The vast majority of protests are conducted peacefully and legally, but if youre new to protesting, attend a few organized protests before trying to organize your own. How to Protest Legally In the United States, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from abridging your freedom of speech. This does not mean that you can protest anywhere you like in any way you like. What this means is that in a traditional public forum, the government cannot stop you from expressing yourself, but can impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. A traditional public forum is a location where people have traditionally expressed themselves to the public, getting up on proverbial soap boxes or handing out leaflets. This includes public streets, sidewalks, and parks. So while the government cannot stop you from protesting in a public park, they can impose limits on the noise level or prohibit protesters from blocking the park entrance. This also means that you have a right to protest on the public sidewalk in front of a fur store, but not on the fur stores private property. Some people confuse government action with private action. The First Amendment does not apply to restrictions imposed by private individuals or companies, although other laws or parts of the Constitution or Bill of Rights might apply. This means that the government cannot stop the publication of a book that contains controversial protected speech, but a private book store can decide for itself that they wont carry that book. Get a Protest Permit if Possible Your best bet for a legal protest is to get a protest permit from the local police, but not every police department issues or requires protest permits. If youre concerned, ask the organizers if they have a permit, and what the restrictions on the protest are. The protest permit may limit the hours of the protest, or prohibit amplified sound. Protesters are sometimes required to keep moving along the sidewalk to avoid blocking the sidewalk for other pedestrians and to keep driveways and building entrances clear. Some towns may also prohibit sticks, so be prepared to remove any sticks from your protest sign, just in case. If the terms of the protest permit seem unreasonable, dont be afraid to speak up and contact an attorney. Even if no protest permit is required, its smart to notify the police of your intentions, to give the police time to prepare and schedule officers for safety and crowd control. It also holds your place in case someone else decides to hold a protest at the same time and location. Use Common Sense at the Protest While youre at the protest, use common sense. You cant control the public and you cant control the police, but you can control yourself. For a peaceful, legal protest, comply with the terms of the protest permit, the instructions of the protest organizers, and with the instructions of the police. Try to ignore hecklers who just want to fluster you. We wish we could say that the police are only there for everyones safety, which is true most of the time. But there are definitely instances when the police will try to infringe on your free speech rights because they disagree with you. They may try to enforce arcane laws against you or impose restrictions that arent mentioned in the protest permit. You might be in full compliance with all laws and the protest permit, and then suddenly be threatened with arrest if you dont comply with some new, arbitrary requirement that was made up by an officer on the spot. Inform the protest organizers, who may have an attorney they can call. Your demeanor should not be one of fun and games, A recent protest aired on CNN depicted protesters laughing, engaging in horseplay, smiling for the cameras and just generally giving the impression they are having the time of their lives. If you dont take your issue seriously, you cant expect others to either. Though you shouldnt be uber somber, there is a reason for a certain decorum which will convey a message that you are serious and determined.   Civil Disobedience Arrests at protests are rare, but participants sometimes intend to get arrested at a protest. Civil disobedience is, by definition, illegal. Responsible protest organizers may plan an act of civil disobedience (such as a sit-in) at a protest but will not knowingly put you at risk of being arrested unless you choose to take that risk. While civil disobedience is illegal, it is peaceful and helps spread the message of the protest by increasing media coverage and/or disrupting the target of the protest. The information on this website is not legal advice and is not a substitute for legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney.    Updated and edited by Michelle A. Rivera, Animal Rights Expert

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assess the effect of the French Revolution on the nature of the state Essay

Assess the effect of the French Revolution on the nature of the state and on relations between states - Essay Example The significance of the French Revolution became one that was used to redefine the national relationships that were a part of France. Redefining the French Revolution The French Revolution was caused by a series of events in the political realm that led to revolts and the desire for change. Each of these caused the general public to react with the belief that change needed to occur within France and that the national politics were only offering injustice to those that were within the region. There were several turning points described throughout the revolution, including the Fall of Bastille, massacre at Champ de Mars, fall of the monarchy and the rise of Napoleon. Each of these led to different proclamations and a sense of change that was associated with the revolution. These different components led to a sense of defining one’s position in France as well as how this was associated with those that were loyal to the government as opposed to individuals who held a position that led to revolt (Hunt, 53: 2004). The outcomes and divisions created from the French Revolution began with the precursors that were associated with this time in history. The main component was the political restructuring that was used so collective action could be taken during the revolution. Political structures were able to provide more dynamic opportunities during the revolution and defined the voices that were associated with the social movement. The most important concept with the structures were based on the policies that were divided, specifically which led to a change in relationships because of the division. Policy specific concepts were combined with state variations used during the revolution. This also formed with the policies causing the divisions among groups that were involved in the revolution. As the groups formed in favor or against the policies, it changed the nature of the state and created a different relationship with the overall political dynamics of France. Th is led to large scale structures that eventually changed the nature of France from the nature of the state and groups involved (Mcadam, McCarthy, Zald, 42: 1996). Defining the Nature of States There were several policies that became the central component of defining the nature of states. As groups began to look through policies and form a change in the states from societal status, were also noted areas of corruption that were pointed out. The main component was the division between those loyal to the French government and those opposed to the actions taken. The policies in place were defined by the monarchs and statesmen of the 17th century who had established a specific set of legalities for actions taken. This was based on the fiscal system and economic mediums that were used. The divisions over how the economics should work were divided by the groups of clergy, nobles and commons, all which debated as estates who were interested in the fiscal policies and justice system of France . These three groups then led to creating independent from the current fiscal system through the component of justice. The group divisions led to the creation of states and a different nature of how the economic concepts should work within France (Burke, 11:2000). The driving force behind the division not only led to a change with fiscal policy. The French Revolution also led to divisions by groups who were outside of the three main estates.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critique the study of the article Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critique the study of the article - Lab Report Example The measurement tools were translated from Finnish versions. These instruments have already been validated and evaluated. Content of Individualized Care Scale (ICS) has been refined after multiple revisions. Factor analysis and structural equation model were utilized for the validation Selection of study respondents was in a consecutive way without following any recommended sampling strategy. Respondents were not selected randomly. How the issue of various surgical specialities was addressed How the severity of disease of the respondents was taken care of Informed consent was taken during the ward stay and those patients who agreed to complete the questionnaire were provided these questionnaires at the time of discharge. It means that there was a time lag between identification of respondents and actual completion of questionnaire. This has got important implications as far as bias is concerned. There are chances that these patients would have been provided excellent care in a way to address all the components present in all measurement scales. As informed consent was taken by a nurse and this study also tried to assess the patient satisfaction from nursing care. Those who were being assessed were part of the assessment and may have influenced the results and outcome. Patients usually have some complaints while they stay in the hospitals. As time passes and when patients start feeling improvement then their complaints also start vanishing, this is like; all is well when the end is well. This time may not be appropriate for getting correct information. Data management issues have not been discussed or even stated any where in the article. How data quality was ensured to be of high level What was the data editing and entry process Which software was used for data entry Were data entered doubly and how data were cleaned Analysis Mean age of the respondents is very high, suggesting that majority of the respondents surround this age. There should have been age description in more than three categories to get an idea of representation of various age groups. In old age, satisfactory level may be different from younger age group. On the other hand, although, education was understandable in binary variable but more than 85 percent of the respondents were with less than or up to lower secondary level education. Those who were with this level of education may have different level of satisfaction and have influenced the results of this study. Non-randomization has got its own deficiencies and this type of data could have resulted due to that issue. Mean hospital stay was 2.85 days based on which satisfaction level was assessed. This seems to be a shorter time for a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pan's Labyrinth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pan's Labyrinth - Essay Example Captain Vidal may have a strong presence on the screen due to his emotionally charged character of a brutal tyrannical officer but the most interesting character was the step daughter Ofelia who discovered a mysterious labyrinth where she meets a faun. What makes the discovery remarkable was that the faun treated Ofelia a princess who guided to embark not only on a journey to discover her destiny but also gave her a mandrake root who cured her ailing mother Mercedes. In the end, Ofelia met her destiny by being reunited with the king and queen of the underworld after passing the last test of the faun to shed her own blood instead of her brother to enter into the portal of underworld. The film may have the visual trappings of a fantasy movie but if one would try to decipher the deeper meanings and interpret the elements of the film, it is actually a political film about authoritarianism and fascism that reflects the director’s disgust of structure and institutions. The element o f a detestable political ideology breathe life to the movie because it was the milieu of the film. The other element of the film is Ofelia’s fantasy world which is really an allegory of Del Toro’s personal political point of view against authoritarianism which is reflected in the film. These two elements, the political element and fantasy element are intertwined in the film because Del Toro used the political element to visualize his disgust for institution and authority which is the precursor of the fantasy element of the film – Ofelia’s withdrawal into fantasy world or Pan’s Labyrinth. More than the mysticism and folklore of the film, Pan Labyrinth highlighted the political dimension of authoritarian Spain in 1944 - a time when Second World War was immenint, where Hitler was in his prime, and war was the order of the day. The film also portrayed what fascism and authoritarianism as a form of government. This was exhibited by Captain Vidal who was a an officer in General Franco’s army who was tasked to route the rebels by any means necessary. In his dispensation of his duty, he was allowed to use absolute and brutal force in his attempt to reroute the guerillas which could be unacceptable today. This method was characteristic of a fascist government during General Francisco’s time whose government was characterised by absolute authoritarianism that exudes with extreme nationalism to unify the country through discipline and indoctrination and if necessary, brutal force. The film’s political dimension is allegorical and meant more than what is the obvious of how oppressive fascism is. Beyond the ideology of fascim, it tackles the element of how authoritarianism breeds violence and evil which in Del Toro’s film was personified by Captain Vidal. The film also reflected the element of director’s political point of view of how he hated structure and its authority be it in church, society or organ ization. This element can be known if one would try to understand what the director was thinking when he was making the film. In an interview, he admitted that this element of personal protest against institutions and authority is present in the movie (Youtube). This hatred in institutions was very obvious in Del Toro’s film Pan’s Labyrinth where authoritarian soldiers were portrayed as evil that cannot be defeated. This element of disgust over authorianism and institutions can be also seen in Del Toro’s other films such as Hellboy, Blade and Pacific Rim albeit it is not as obvious as Pan’

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Challenges and Opportunities to Chinas Banking Industry

Challenges and Opportunities to Chinas Banking Industry The banking industry in China has the platform for future growth opportunities but often come with strategic challenges. ACMR-IBISWorld forecasts that in the five years through 2021, total assets of the Commercial Banking industry in China will increase at an average rate of 11.9% per year, to $48.2 trillion by the end of 2021.1 Industry revenue is forecast to grow at an average rate of 5.4% per year to $818.5 billion in 2021.1 China has become the target of many foreign banks and financial institutions as a result of its huge market size. Other reasons include continuous deregulation, WTO commitments and the improving market conditions with strong fundamentals. However, there are also several main challenges that obstruct the industrys growth. Opportunities Opening Requirement: According to the China Banking Regulatory Committee, foreign banks accounted for barely 2.3% of total commercial bank assets at the end of the third quarter of 2012.1 However, in order for China to meet its World Trade Organization (WTO) accession commitments, they are required to further open its banking sector to foreign banks. The easing of restrictions provide an opportunistic window for foreign banks to grow or enter the market. Deregulation: Beginning in 2003, China has begun to allow qualified foreign banks to offer RMB banking services to Chinese enterprises. In addition, some restrictions on geographic distribution and foreign exchange services offered by foreign banks have been lifted. Banking services have been opened to overseas banks in 13 cities, up from only 2, Beijing and Shanghai, before Chinas WTO entry.1 Innovation: In 2006, China officially opened its banking sector allowing foreign banks to conduct RMB business, removing geographical and client restrictions.1 In 2009, new development opportunities for commercial banks opened up which led to many changes in terms of competition, technologies, product diversification and industry profitability. As a result, domestic banks face increasing pressure to upgrade operations management, internal controls and product and service innovation. Banks with a technological edge or process driven technology can begin creating a strategic opportunity to gain the competitive advantage and market share in China. Challenges Governmental Barrier to Entry: The banking industry in China is known to have high levels of regulation and policy. For companies looking to enter the China market, the requirements for obtaining a license in order to operate as a commercial bank in China are set up through the Financial License Management Rules and approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC).1 In addition, Commercial banks in China are subject to the supervision of, and regular inspections by, the CBRC. In general, the application for preparing the establishment of a new branch by a policy bank, a wholly state-owned commercial bank or a joint-stock commercial bank shall be filed with and reviewed by the CBRC provincial office in the province where the proposed branch is to be established, and shall be subject to the final approval by the CBRC headquarters. Competition: Given the strict government controls and the high level of intervention in the industry, prices are quite regulated and product innovation and diversity are not the main basis for competition. In general, the approval requirements for new products are very strict. They are often the subject of complicated approval processes and lengthy approval times, and as a result are not main competitive factors. Chinas banking industry brings heavy competition as commercial banks generally offer similar products at similar prices providing difficult to gain a competitive advantage. Relationships: In China, the biggest competition has focused on client relationships with large customers, an important part of the business environment.1 Relationships are usually found using guanxi which is a combination of developing personal connections with customers as well as a network of close contacts.2 Given the low level of product diversification and similarity in services and prices, banks compete for specific and often the same customers in hopes of developing long-term relationships.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Joshua Gaugler Essay -- essays research papers

The Concert of a Lifetime   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The concert has begun after a fifteen minute delay caused from the powder snow that started early on in the day and continued through the evening. There I stood up in front of the small crowd on this snowy Sunday evening. I glanced out upon the crowd as the piano picked up speed and intensity. I knew that I was about to strike that F chord in a few measures. I quickly removed the moisture from my fingers with the cloth I brought with me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The band had a special meeting planned after we played the music for our church’s Thanksgiving Supper. We showed up to the church on a cold Saturday morning, making our way to the auditorium. We began to discuss the plans, ideas, or even the thoughts that we had for what we should do next. Dan, the first to talk whatever the occasion, said, â€Å"I think we should work on writing our own songs.† That idea was quickly reviewed and considered to be an option. I thought a little bit harder about what to do and suddenly it came to me. â€Å"We should have a Christmas concert. We can all pick out our favorite Christmas songs and perform them.† Now this was a first class idea.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now the band had an idea, we had the backbone for our future, but we were still missing our guitar player; whose absence haunted us for the fourth week straight. We had to begin regardless of the scenario, and we began picking out songs, one by one. The most obvious ch...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critical Issues Concerning Deforestation and Its Environmental Effects

Over half of the worlds† forests have already been destroyed if the rate of deforestation is not reduced, the forests will suffer even more damage. Imagine this; every minute twenty-six hectares (estimated) of the forest are destroyed, this is equal to thirty-seven football fields. The forest is not only the home to some of the most important species on earth, but it also helps control the climate and makes the planet able for us to live in. The expanding human population has cleared many of the trees, once covering much of the earth, a long time ago. Agriculture took a toll early of the landscape, and now the once great forests are reduced to tiny pockets scattered throughout the earth. Recently is when the tropical forests have become under severe attack of deforestation. Only seven hundred of the original one and a half billion hectares of the rain forest remain. At the turn of the twentieth century there was twice as much rain forest as there is today. Causes of deforestation include; commercial logging, clearance for agriculture, roads and railways, forest fires, mining and drilling, fuelwood, and clearing land for living are just some of the main reasons, of which we have not found the worst culprit. The two most common found reasons for deforestation are shifting cultivation and commercial logging. The problem starts when the soil becomes less fertile from animals grazing and walking repeatedly over the small land space. This not the threat to the forest however, the threat is when the land is not allowed enough time to recover and causes soil degradation. Felling of trees for charcoal, and clearing trees for mining and the extraction of oil are other factors leading to deforestation, but are not considered as damaging as shifting cultivation and commercial logging. Nonetheless they are still a threat to the existence of the rain forest. When trees are cleared the topsoil erodes in just one decade, of which it took thousands of years to accumulate. The land is now unusable and can lead to disastrous flooding since there is no soil to soak up the rain. The most disastrous effect of deforestation is the effect it has on the earth†s climate. The greenhouse effect and global warming is caused by the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere mainly. The amount of carbon dioxide would be greatly affected by the destruction of the rain forest; this would lead to a build up in the atmosphere and in result would increase climate change. Most of the burnt or rotting trees release even more carbon dioxide. Scientists believe that only a small fraction of the plants and animals that live in the rain forests have been identified, and of these are believed to hold the cures for some of the most deadly diseases, such as cancer and aids. An obvious solution would be for us to quit cutting down trees altogether, but there is no way we could do that. Forest management plans are being used all over the world, putting sustainability as the emphasis. These plans allow logging to take place by putting into the earth what we take out. These plans are carried out so that logging can be done with the least enduring effects taking place to the earth. Some parts of the rain forests, which are labeled as too sensitive for even well managed logging, are restricted as protected areas. These protected areas along with the help of enforced legislation, can be an effective defense against the many problems that affect the rain forests. The most important step in stopping the process of deforestation is to inform and educate the people whose actions either directly or indirectly create a problem for the rain forests. Developed countries and their consumers have to realize the devastating impacts on the forests from which the products cause that they buy. By doing this will be the only way we can stop the deforestation process and maybe eventually reverse it and the rain forests will flourish.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bertrand Russell Essay

I should like to say two things, one intellectual and one moral. The intellectual thing I should want to say is this: When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only what the facts are and what the truth that the facts bear out is. Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed. But look only, and solely, at what are the facts. That is the intellectual thing that I should wish to say. The moral thing I should wish to say†¦I should say love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more closely and closely interconnected we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way and if we are to live together and not die together we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 of the biggest workplace time wasters

10 of the biggest workplace time wasters Office  distractions are endless at work. We spend a lot  of time surfing the web, checking in on social media, while still holding small talk at the water cooler. These â€Å"little† breaks throughout the day can add up in time you are supposed to be getting work done and it can waste productivity in the office. These workplace time wasters can affect your work ethic and quality of work you produce. It’s time to cut out these time wasters and focus on the task ahead. Here are 10 of the biggest workplace time wasters. How many of these are you guilty of doing throughout the day?Source [Yast]

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Brownings Dramatic Monologue

Browning’s Dramatic Monologue Readers favor Robert Browning’s story poems in a form he perfected, the dramatic monologue (Kennedy 1169). Dramatic monologues have four basic characteristics: they contain a single speaker monologue, they have a silent audience, the speech occurs at some dramatic moment in the speakers life, and the speaker reveals his personality without realizing he does so. Probably one of the most famous dramatic monologues ever written is Browning’s â€Å"My Last Duchess† (661). Robert Browning is known as the father of the dramatic monologue. The Duke of Ferrara, the single speaker in â€Å"My Last Duchess,† is portrayed as a jealous but arrogant man. Throughout the poem the Duke repetitively expresses his concern of other men fancying his wife. He was made jealous by everything the duchess did. The Duke was especially jealous of Fra Pandolf, the man who painted the picture of the duchess in the poem. She was â€Å"too easily impressed â€Å"(23) by the painter. Everyone who passed by the Duchess received â€Å"much the same smile†(44) as the Duke. He seems to be possessive of the Duchess saying, â€Å"That’s my last Duchess† (1) as if he won her. Later in the poem his attitude toward other people looking at her changes when he says, â€Å"Will’t please you sit and look at her?† (5). An important aspect of â€Å"My Last Duchess† is Browning’s use of a silent audience. Throughout the reading no one else speakers other than the Duke himself. He makes comments without receiving any reply afterward. He asks, â€Å"Who’d stoop to blame/ This sort of trifling?†(34-35) with expectations of someone answering his question but no reply is given. He directly makes comments to the envoy withdrawing persona from the poem. The speech given in â€Å"My Last Duchess† occurs at a dramatic moment in the speaker’s life. In this particular poem it is after the death of the Duchess. The speaker tel... Free Essays on Browning's Dramatic Monologue Free Essays on Browning's Dramatic Monologue Browning’s Dramatic Monologue Readers favor Robert Browning’s story poems in a form he perfected, the dramatic monologue (Kennedy 1169). Dramatic monologues have four basic characteristics: they contain a single speaker monologue, they have a silent audience, the speech occurs at some dramatic moment in the speakers life, and the speaker reveals his personality without realizing he does so. Probably one of the most famous dramatic monologues ever written is Browning’s â€Å"My Last Duchess† (661). Robert Browning is known as the father of the dramatic monologue. The Duke of Ferrara, the single speaker in â€Å"My Last Duchess,† is portrayed as a jealous but arrogant man. Throughout the poem the Duke repetitively expresses his concern of other men fancying his wife. He was made jealous by everything the duchess did. The Duke was especially jealous of Fra Pandolf, the man who painted the picture of the duchess in the poem. She was â€Å"too easily impressed â€Å"(23) by the painter. Everyone who passed by the Duchess received â€Å"much the same smile†(44) as the Duke. He seems to be possessive of the Duchess saying, â€Å"That’s my last Duchess† (1) as if he won her. Later in the poem his attitude toward other people looking at her changes when he says, â€Å"Will’t please you sit and look at her?† (5). An important aspect of â€Å"My Last Duchess† is Browning’s use of a silent audience. Throughout the reading no one else speakers other than the Duke himself. He makes comments without receiving any reply afterward. He asks, â€Å"Who’d stoop to blame/ This sort of trifling?†(34-35) with expectations of someone answering his question but no reply is given. He directly makes comments to the envoy withdrawing persona from the poem. The speech given in â€Å"My Last Duchess† occurs at a dramatic moment in the speaker’s life. In this particular poem it is after the death of the Duchess. The speaker tel...

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Feckless Feckless Feckless By Maeve Maddox A reader has called my attention to a surge in the use of the word feckless in the American press. A Web search garners 1,550,000 hits. Feckless derives from feck, a dialect word possibly formed by a linguistic process called aphaeresis: â€Å"omission of one or more sounds or letters from the beginning of a word.† Examples of aphaeresis include: squire from esquire and coon from raccoon. Feck, which is documented as early as the 14th century, is probably a shortening of the noun effect. Feck is â€Å"energy and gumption.† A person with feck gets things done. When used to refer to a thing, the adjective feckless means, â€Å"valueless, futile, or feeble.† Used to refer to a person or a person’s actions, feckless means, â€Å"lacking energy; weak, helpless.† In modern usage, feckless is used chiefly as a synonym for irresponsible or shiftless. This latter use of feckless is especially common in the British press in headlines and articles relating to social welfare programs: Britains most feckless father? Unemployed dad of 10 is expecting FOUR more children –The Telegraph. Lets get the feckless to buy food not fags and booze –MailOnline. No one would consider her [a young unmarried mother of four children, by two different men, and expecting her fifth] to be anything other than feckless and irresponsible. –The Independent. The Oxfam report – â€Å"Walking The Breadline,† published in June this year, states that half a million people in the UK rely on food banks. Yet the Government puts their fingers in their ears, blaming feckless parenting and scroungers. –The Guardian. Here are some examples in contexts other than discussions of welfare recipients: Given their feckless track record, would you really trust Apple with (even more of) your digital life? –Source uncertain; the comment appears on numerous sites. One striking feature in all three works is how badly the men do; how feckless they are, how treacherous, weepy, self-obsessed and violent. –Review of a collection of three short stories by Bernhard Schlink. Because the usual use of feckless is to describe people or actions lacking in will or responsible purpose, some of the examples I found left me a bit puzzled: Delete a Feckless Effect from Filler Edgar Steele’s Feckless Racism Here are some sure fire home remedies and tips to get rid of your feckless and lifeless hair. The opposite of feckless–feckful (powerful, effective, efficient, vigorous)–is used seriously in an OED citation dated 1568: I culd nocht cumwithout sum gret and fecfull purpois. [I could not comewithout some great and feckful purpose.] Anyone using the positive adjective feckful nowadays would be aiming for humorous effect, as in this 1990 quotation from The New York Times: The unfailingly feckless Bertie Wooster and his valet, the formidably feckful Jeeves. Sometimes feckless is the perfect choice, but sometimes not. Here is a selection of words that might serve better in some contexts: good-for-nothing idle indolent inept irresponsible lazy ne’er-do-well no-account slothful sorry useless worthless David Auburn, playwright and contributor to the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus, says this about feckless: The obscene-sounding first syllable gives punch and an air of harsh condemnation to the synonym for irresponsible, conveying â€Å"not merely irresponsible but also unforgivably blithe, and in one’s blitheness, causing great harm.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsRules for Capitalization in TitlesParticular vs. Specific