Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Maslow s Theory Of Self Actualization - 1221 Words

According to the Greenwood Dictionary of Education (2011), Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, believed that everyone has a need for self-actualization, to develop an individual’s full potential by maximizing his/her talents and abilities. Maslow proposed that human needs are categorized in a hierarchy into the following requirements (from basic to complex and/or advanced needs): physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and then self-actualization (Maslow, 2006). The hierarchy is often projected as a pyramid figure, with basic needs at the bottom, and more complex needs at the top. According to Atkins (2001), people must achieve lower needs before they attempt to fulfill higher and more advanced ones (p. 1396). Self-actualization is a concept experienced from adolescence to emerging adulthood. It is motivated by the individual’s innate determination for growth (Schnitker Emmons, 2013, p. 2127). According to Arnett (2007) from age 18 to 25, emerging adu lts are often miserable with anxiety and unhappiness, entering a dark period in their lives (p. 24). They also experience an identity crisis where individuals face difficulties in assessing their interests and abilities, using that knowledge and experience to review possible futures, and eventually making enduring decisions in work and love (Arnett, 2007, p. 24). From adolescence to emerging adulthood, individuals are constantly building and learning about their identities, enduring responsibilities, lifeShow MoreRelatedMaslow s Theory Of Self Actualization772 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: The theory of self-actualization was introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow s famous work â€Å"Hierarchy of Needs† has drawn admiration and criticisms from supporters and opponents alike. For Maslow, man quest for self-actualization falls within five hierarchical orders set up in a pyramid style. 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